In previous content, I shared with you about LLM, how an AI model runs, how prompts work, as well as classifying most of the types of prompts that people are using to interact with LLM. In this article, I would like to share with you some techniques for using prompts such as forcing AI to take on a role, putting our personality into LLM to make the result more soulful, strictly regulating the output format of LLM,...

In this article, we embark on an exciting journey into the realm of advanced prompting techniques, equipping you with the skills to harness the full potential of GenAI for tackling complex tasks.

The Art of Role-Playing

The text discusses the concept of "role-playing" in AI, where you assign a specific role to the AI to guide its responses. The effectiveness of this technique depends on how clearly you define the role and the AI's ability to understand and respond within that context. The clearer the role and the better the AI's understanding, the more accurate and specialized its responses will be.

An expert in the field

Want to dive deep into a particular subject? Role-playing empowers you to get detailed, specialized information and expert terminology.

  • Example: Take on the role of a fitness expert with the latest research data and the ability to provide step-by-step instructions. Create a weight-gain and strength-building workout program for a 5'10", 110-pound, beginner male who is not used to exercising.

Roleplaying a specific expert

Ever wondered how a renowned expert would approach a problem? Role-playing lets you leverage AI's knowledge of famous individuals to gain unique perspectives and brainstorm ideas.

  • Example: Imagine you're renowned cat behaviorist Pam Johnson-Bennett. Give me tips on potty training my British Shorthair cat.

Roleplaying a fictional character

Need to craft a captivating story or dialogue? Let the AI step into the shoes of a fictional character, adding personality and flair to your creative endeavors. In some situations, such as creating a story, a script, a conversation or even solving a problem, users can have LLM roleplay a fictional character to take advantage of that character's personality to solve the problem.

  • Example: I am Sherlock Holmes, I have solved the case of the million dollar lizard dead in the door jam of the castle in District 7, Saigon. You, as Dr. Watson, describe in detail the process of investigation, evidence collection and deduction to solve the case.

Guide - Tutor Role

Take on the role of a mentor, guiding AI's understanding of complex topics. This interactive approach encourages AI to think critically and offer unique perspectives.

  • Example: I am your biology tutor, I would like to review your knowledge about the process of mitosis of chromosomes in cells. Please explain to me in detail the stages of meiosis in your own language.

Collaborative Role

Turn the AI into your collaborator, working together to tackle tasks and brainstorm ideas.

  • Example: I am writing an email to a customer complaining about a defective product. Can you help me draft a polite but firm email?

The success of role assignment depends on clear instructions and the AI's capabilities. When done right, it leads to more accurate, specialized, and engaging responses. However, it's not foolproof and relies on the AI's training data and ability to generalize knowledge. Overall, role assignment is a valuable tool for enhancing your AI interactions and getting the most out of this powerful technology.

Few-Shot Prompting: Teaching the AI by Example

Remember those times when you learned a new skill by observing and imitating others? Few-shot prompting operates on a similar principle, allowing you to educate the AI through illustrative examples. Let's consider a scenario where you want the AI to generate creative product descriptions. You could provide a few examples:

Rewrite text

  • Promt:
    • Rewrite the following paragraph, using a voice that is engaging and interesting to the reader.
    • Input: A sleek, stainless steel smartwatch with a vibrant touchscreen display. Output: "Embrace the future of wearable technology with this stylish smartwatch. Its sleek stainless steel design and vibrant touchscreen display will keep you connected and informed in style."
    • Input: A cozy, hand-knitted wool scarf in a rich burgundy hue. Output:
  • Response:
    • "Wrap yourself in warmth and luxury with this hand-knitted wool scarf. Its rich burgundy color and soft texture will add a touch of elegance to any outfit."

Attitude Analysis

  • Prompt:
    • Determine the attitudes of the following user comments as positive, negative, or neutral.
    • Example: Input: I like this product. Output: positive
    • Input: This movie is okay. Output
  • Response:
    • "Neutral"

Text Classification

  • Prompt:
    • Classify the following flowers into Alseuosmiaceae (order Asterales), Anisophylleaceae (order Cucurbitales), Brunelliaceae (order Oxalidales), Bruniaceae, Byblidaceae (order Lamiales). Example: Input: Anisophylleaceae. Output: Cucurbitales.
    • Input: Byblidaceae. Output
  • Response:
    • "Lamiales"

Find Analogies - Prompt Analogies

This prompt works based on the relationship between the first two words or phrases. Your task is to find that relationship and apply it to the second pair of words to find the missing word or phrase.

  • Prompt:
    • Complete the word pairs according to the following analogies.
    • For example: Input: Doctor; Output: Hospital. Input: Judge; Output: Court.
    • Input: chef;  Output:
  • Response:
    • "Restaurant"

The examples show a simple pattern: the prompt starts with a clear description of the task, followed by "Example:" and an input-output pair that demonstrates exactly what kind of response is expected. This helps the LLM better understand what it needs to do.

Unlike zero-shot prompting, which relies solely on LLM's pre-existing knowledge, few-shot prompting leverages LLM's ability to generalize from examples to unlock its full potential. This type of prompting is geared towards automating repetitive tasks, and it's a crucial skill to master because it opens up a world of possibilities for using LLMs in real-world scenarios like invoice processing, bulk customer feedback analysis, or even using chatbot models to categorize raw data.

Shaping the AI's Style: Crafting Engaging and Purposeful Content

In the world of AI communication, style matters. It's not just about what the AI says, but how it says it. Think of it like choosing the right outfit for an occasion - you want to make the right impression and connect with your audience. We'll look at the key ingredients that make up a piece of writing's style:

  • Tone: This is the attitude or feeling behind the words. It can be formal, casual, friendly, authoritative, persuasive, humorous, or even romantic, depending on the situation and your goal.
  • Word Choice: The specific words and phrases you use play a big role in defining your style. Unique and interesting words can showcase your personality, expertise, and knowledge, while also catering to the preferences of your readers.
  • Sentence Structure: This includes things like sentence length, complexity, and rhythm. Varying your sentence structure keeps things interesting and engaging, while consistent syntax makes the writing easy to follow.
  • Perspective: Are you writing from the first person ("I"), second person ("you"), or third person ("he/she/they") point of view? The perspective you choose impacts the tone, language, and overall reader experience. Choosing the right one helps the AI step into the role you've given it and create content that truly resonates.
  • Figurative Language: Think metaphors, similes, and vivid descriptions. These literary devices add depth and personality to your writing, making it more captivating and memorable.

When creating content, especially for storytelling, narratives, or podcasts, it's crucial to consider all these aspects. By defining and sticking to a specific style, you'll create a unique voice for your content and even build a brand identity for your AI-generated work. In today's world, where AI-generated content is everywhere, having a distinct style ensures your work stands out and reflects your personality.

The Power of Patterns: Streamlining Your AI Interactions

In the realm of prompting, patterns are your allies in achieving consistency and efficiency. By establishing predefined structures, sequences, and relationships within your prompts, you guide the AI towards generating predictable and reliable outputs.


Let's imagine you're creating a series of quiz questions. You could establish a pattern like this:

Prompt: Generate a multiple-choice question about the solar system with four options (A, B, C, D), only one of which is correct.


What is the largest planet in our solar system?

(A) Earth

(B) Mars

(C) Jupiter

(D) Saturn

By adhering to this pattern, you ensure that the AI consistently produces well-structured quiz questions, saving you time and effort.

Combining Techniques: Orchestrating the AI Symphony

Now that we've explored individual prompting techniques, let's witness the magic that unfolds when we combine them. By integrating role assignment, few-shot learning, and output patterns, we create a symphony of AI interactions, producing responses that are not only accurate and informative but also engaging, purposeful, and tailored to our needs.

Let's revisit the scenario of seeking investment advice. We can enhance our prompt by combining techniques:

  • "Act as a financial advisor specializing in low-risk investments. I have $10,000 to invest. Provide three specific investment options with their potential returns and risks, formatted in a table."
  • "You are a successful entrepreneur, give 5 motivational quotes that inspire young entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and never give up. Example: A true leader is not a consensus seeker but a consensus creator."
  • "You are my time management skills mentor, can you give me 5 detailed tips to be able to manage time effectively, balancing between studying and having fun, resting. For example: An example of a tip could be: Set specific and achievable goals every day regarding time management."

With this refined prompt, we've not only assigned a role but also provided a clear output pattern, ensuring a structured and informative response.


We've covered a lot of ground with prompts, right? From finding information to tackling specific tasks, we've seen how versatile they can be. And the real magic happens when we mix and match techniques to create our own custom solutions.

At Diaflow, we're passionate about empowering individuals and businesses to harness the power of AI. Our cutting-edge platform provides a seamless environment for building, training, and deploying AI models, enabling you to create intelligent solutions that drive innovation and efficiency.

Whether you're looking to automate tasks, generate creative content, or gain valuable insights from data, Diaflow has the tools and expertise to help you succeed. Our team of AI specialists is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance, ensuring you achieve your AI goals with confidence.

In the next post, we'll level up and explore the world of LLM studios and playgrounds. Think of it as taking the training wheels off and really getting into the nitty-gritty of customization.